Providing expeditions
since 2005

Summit! We climbed a cool route to the summit of Aguja Guillaumet in Argentine Patagonia. But Fitzroy will have to wait for us.

Boris Egorov, the guide of the 7 Summits Club, reports from Argentina: Greetings from Patagonia! It's sad to report some news, but I have to. Our weather "window" collapsed and only a "window pane" remained. It happened on the eve of the ... read more

Boris Egorov, the guide of the 7 Summits Club, reports from Argentina:

Greetings from Patagonia! It's sad to report some news, but I have to. Our weather "window" collapsed and only a "window pane" remained. It happened on the eve of the exit, when the last preparations had already been made and we were ready to go to the approach to the mount of Fitzroy. We had to make plans on the go. And instead of Fitzroy, they decided to climb a small one-day wall. Still, here, on the edge of the world, you can't lose even such small opportunities. And we did the right thing! We climbed classic route on Aguja Guillaumet. Kilometers along trails and unpleasant drifts, snow and ice under the mountain and in front of the very top, but then 15 ropes of very pleasant climbing on granite of medium difficulty. We acted safely and fairly quickly. It's nice to be a well-coordinated team and enjoy climbing. Plus one steep wall passed, a little more experience and now, as Alexey said: "Fitzroy is surrounded and he has no chance left." We will try to make the ascent next time.

Guides Boris Egorov and Vladimir Murzaev
















The second group of the 7 Summits Club in the season went on the route of climbing the summit of Mount Vinson, the team has already climbed to the Low Camp

Vinson. Artem Rostovtsev, a guide of the 7 Summits Club, reports from Antarctica: Hello Seven Summits! These are the far South, Antarctica. Vinson Massive, expedition on Mount Vinson with Artyom Rostovtsev. Yesterday we moved from Union Glacier ... read more

Artem Rostovtsev, a guide of the 7 Summits Club, reports from Antarctica:

 Hello Seven Summits! These are the far South, Antarctica. Vinson Massive, expedition on Mount Vinson with Artyom Rostovtsev. Yesterday we moved from Union Glacier to Base Camp and today we decided to go straight up to Low Camp. We're fine here, we're alone – no more commands, no one bothers us. The plan is to spend a couple more days here, but we will look at the weather. Everything is fine with everyone. The group feels fine, the participants are motivated. We will relax and then continue to storm the summit.

 Photos from Punto Arenas









The solemn conclusion of the expedition on Sidley in Punta Arenas, the heroes of the Antarctic season received awards and a charge of optimism for the future

Sidley. Lyudmila Korobeshko, a guide and director of the 7 Summits Club, reports from Punta Arenas (Chile): January 12. Greetings to all from Punta Arenas from the DDT group (Drink Dream Team) - aka "Empanadas", aka "expedition to ... read more

Lyudmila Korobeshko, a guide and director of the 7 Summits Club, reports from Punta Arenas (Chile):

 January 12. Greetings to all from Punta Arenas from the DDT group (Drink Dream Team) - aka "Empanadas", aka "expedition to Sidley".

Late yesterday evening on January 11, after a one-day delay, we flew from Antarctica to the Mainland - more precisely, to Punta Arenas.

A solemn awarding ceremony was held with diplomas and medals. Each participant of our expedition was awarded two diplomas (for Sidley and for the South Pole) and two medals (a small silver one with Sidley's image and a large one for Antarctic programs).  That's why we celebrated the end of the expedition on a double scale. Joyfully.

Most of the group left today for home. The other part went traveling. Nikolai is going to have a long trip to Patagonia. Sergey and Andrey plan to explore some remote corners of Chile - Easter Island and Pedro de Atacama, and then go to the highest volcano in the world - Ojos Del Salado. We will wait for news from them.

So the adventure continues!







 Portraits of the participants of the Sidley expedition:


Evgeny Fedorov. 7 volcanoes completed the project by climbing Sidley. Now he's staying in Antarctica - he's going with our next group to climb Vinson. Plans to close 7 Summits.


Andrey Kravchenko. Sidley became the fifth volcano out of seven. He goes to Ojos del Salado with our group since January 19th. Plans to close the 7 Volcanoes project. And 7 Summits in the future


Nikolai Tomchak. Sidley completed the 7 Volcanoes project. The best shots from our expedition belong to him.


Igor Rebelsky. Sidley became his 6th volcano. He plans to complete the project of 7 Volcanoes within a year. Ojos remained.



Sergey Vasiliev. Sidley became his 6th volcano. He is currently flying to Ojos and hopes to close 7 Volcanoes. According to the results of the expedition to Sidley, he promises to release Sidley beer.  He introduced the tradition of releasing beer at the end of each expedition to the next volcano. We are waiting for "Sidley"!


Oleg Pipkov. After Sidley he closed the 7 Volcanoes project. We are waiting to see what else he will surprise us with!


Yuri Lukyanov became the first representative of Kazakhstan in Sidley. Before that, with the Last Degree Program he reached the South Pole. He plans to close the 7 Volcanoes project this year. His project also includes to finish 7 Summits (6 out of 7) and 14 eight-thousandthers. In the spring he comes with us to Dhaulagiri.


Vladimir Solovyov is the soul of our team, as well as the heart and engine. He was at the origins of the 7 volcanoes project for part of the current team (he assembled the team on Kilimanjaro 3 years ago). And three years later, part of that team successfully completed the 7 Volcanoes project, and some are still in the process of completion.

The Transglobal expedition spent a day in Detroit, the capital of the American automotive industry, visited the Ford plant and got caught in a snowfall

Alexander Abramov, President of the 7 Summits Club, reports from the USA: Today was a wonderful day of rest in Detroit. Detroit is the city where the main American automobile plants of Ford and General Motors companies are located. The ... read more

Alexander Abramov, President of the 7 Summits Club, reports from the USA:

 Today was a wonderful day of rest in Detroit. Detroit is the city where the main American automobile plants of Ford and General Motors companies are located. The Transglobal Car expedition rides on Ford Expedition cars. That's why today we visited the Ford factory and Museum. We saw the first conveyor in the history of mankind and compared it with a modern conveyor. Correspondents from Fox News and other television channels also came. To get an interview.

In the morning it was dry and the grass. But in the middle of the day it started snowing, now it's 20-30 cm. Traffic jams formed everywhere at once. It is unclear how to go tomorrow.







































The group of the 7 Summits Club "Machines" made an acclimatization rotation to the Tejos refuge and went down to the Laguna Verde camp (Atacama, Chile)

Nikita Slotin, a guide of the 7 Summits Club, reports from Chile: Greetings from the group "Machines" from Chile! Yesterday we spent a wonderful night at the Tejos refuge at an altitude of 5800. We walked up, took a closer look at the ... read more

Nikita Slotin, a guide of the 7 Summits Club, reports from Chile:

Greetings from the group "Machines" from Chile! Yesterday we spent a wonderful night at the Tejos refuge at an altitude of 5800. We walked up, took a closer look at the mountain Ojos del Salado and the climbing path. This morning we went down to our wonderful camp on Laguna Verde. We rest, eat meat, play, sing songs. Tomorrow is a rest day according to the plan.












On the second day of the Transglobal Car Expedition, 564 kilometers were overcome, the team arrived in Detroit to visit Ford

The second day of the Transglobal Automobile Expedition has been successfully completed. The team has arrived in the most automobile city in the world, Detroit! 564 km were covered in a day. On the way, we made a short hike to the waterfall ... read more

The second day of the Transglobal Automobile Expedition has been successfully completed. The team has arrived in the most automobile city in the world, Detroit! 564 km were covered in a day. On the way, we made a short hike to the waterfall in the beautiful Cuyahoga National Park in Ohio. The group will spend tomorrow in Detroit, near the Ford World headquarters, the Henry Ford Museum and Michigan Central Station.












The 20-year-old Tsang Long Kit, or simply Bob, is the new record holder in Hong Kong and China. Congratulations!

Vinson. We are waiting for the return of the 7 Summits Club group from Antarctica, which climbed the summit of the highest mountain on the continent. Among the climbers who have visited the top of the Vinson Massif, there is one representative of ... read more

 We are waiting for the return of the 7 Summits Club group from Antarctica, which climbed the summit of the highest mountain on the continent. Among the climbers who have visited the top of the Vinson Massif, there is one representative of Chinese Hong Kong, whom we call Bob. His full name is Tsang Long Kit. With our help, this brave young man became the record holder of his native Hong Kong and the whole of China – he became the youngest climber to climb all the highest peaks of all continents. "Seven Peaks" at the age of 20, great job! Good luck, many successes with your life and new heights!






Due to strong winds, the group was unable to climb the peak of Aconcagua. May you be lucky next time!

Aconcagua. Alexander Dorojukov, a guide of the 7 Summits Club, reports from Argentina: Buenos dias from the Sandia alegre band! We have completed our program. Unfortunately, the mountain did not let us in this time. There was a strong wind and the ... read more

Alexander Dorojukov, a guide of the 7 Summits Club, reports from Argentina:

Buenos dias from the Sandia alegre band! We have completed our program. Unfortunately, the mountain did not let us in this time. There was a strong wind and the forecast for the next few days is very severe. I had to turn around this time.

The guides are Dmitry Semenov and Alexander Dorojukov.







The Transglobal expedition set off and covered the first 500 kilometers of its round-the-world route

Alexander Abramov, President of the 7 Summits Club, reports from the USA: The expedition has started. Today, on 10.01.24 at 10:10 a.m., the Transglobal Car Expedition Round-the-world expedition started from New York. Six cars rushed to the ... read more

 Alexander Abramov, President of the 7 Summits Club, reports from the USA:

The expedition has started. Today, on 10.01.24 at 10:10 a.m., the Transglobal Car Expedition Round-the-world expedition started from New York. Six cars rushed to the north of Canada. Today we drove 500 km. We are currently staying in Pennsylvania in a place called De Bois. Tomorrow we will move to Detroit, where we will visit the FORD factory.

Ñàéò Transglobal Car Expedition















The members of the group of the 7 Summits Club “Sidley”, together with the Vinson group, celebrated Artem Rostovtsev's birthday at the Union Glacier camp

Sidley. Lyudmila Korobeshko, the guide and director of the 7 Summits Club, reports from Antarctica: January 10th. Greetings from Antarctica, Camp Union Glacier, from the group "Empanadas or Chilean pies" expedition to Sidley! We are still on ... read more

Lyudmila Korobeshko, the guide and director of the 7 Summits Club, reports from Antarctica:

January 10th. Greetings from Antarctica, Camp Union Glacier, from the group "Empanadas or Chilean pies" expedition to Sidley!

We are still on Union Glacier at 79 degrees South latitude in Antarctica. Yesterday, January 9th, we had a busy day - both our groups and the whole camp celebrated the birthday of the guide of the 7 Summits Club Artem Rostovtsev. In the afternoon we organized a picnic with a walk to the Drake Icefall. Along the way, we were lucky to see the Il-76 take off with a team of our friends, Russian pilots. Then we wandered through the blue labyrinths of the icefall for about an hour, took pictures and at the end arranged a buffet in honor of Artyom. 

In the evening, dinner was already celebrated globally with toasts, cake and special Antarctic cocktails from Chilean chef Patricio, who has already worked with us twice on Everest. The evening ended with a music lovers club - everyone shared their favorite romantic song.

Today, January 10th, according to the plan, we were supposed to fly to Punta Arenas. But the weather turned bad. Moreover, it even snowed - an extremely rare phenomenon in Antarctica (after all, this is the largest desert on our planet).

We really hope to fly tomorrow…













The group of the 7 Summits Club "Red Suitcases" made an ascent on the summit of Kilimanjaro through snow and blizzard. Heroes!

Kilimanjaro. Olga Rumyantseva, the guide of the 7 Summits Club, reports from Tanzania: Hello everyone from Tanzania! Today our group "Red Suitcases" climbed Mount Kilimanjaro. The ascent took place in difficult conditions, to put it mildly. A ... read more

Olga Rumyantseva, the guide of the 7 Summits Club, reports from Tanzania:

 Hello everyone from Tanzania! Today our group "Red Suitcases" climbed Mount Kilimanjaro. The ascent took place in difficult conditions, to put it mildly. A snowstorm on the crater was added to the eternal rain and sleet. So during the ascent we saw nothing - neither a crater, nor beautiful glaciers. But we got a lot of impressions.

After climbing, we went down to the Kosovo camp under the incessant snowfall. And then, under heavy rain and snow, we reached the Millennium camp. That's the kind of summer in Africa! But despite the natural disasters, everyone really enjoyed the trip.













The group of the 7 Summits Club "Gatitos Luis" made an acclimatization rotation to Plaza Canada, at an altitude of 5000 meters

Aconcagua. Andrey Berezin, the guide of the 7 Summits Club, reports from Argentina: Buenos Dias from the slopes of Aconcagua! This is the Gatito Luis group. After we settled in the Plaza de Mulas camp, we rested and continued acclimatization. ... read more

Andrey Berezin, the guide of the 7 Summits Club, reports from Argentina:

Buenos Dias from the slopes of Aconcagua!  This is the Gatito Luis group. After we settled in the Plaza de Mulas camp, we rested and continued acclimatization. Today, the group made its first acclimatization rotation to Plaza Canada, an altitude of 5,000 meters. Tomorrow we rest, we are preparing to go out with an overnight stay at Nido de Condores. The guides of the group are Andrey Berezin and Sergey Avtomonov.







Alexander Abramov in New York: Empire State Building, Explorers Club and Central Park... Tomorrow the Transglobal Car expedition sets off

North Pole. Alexander Abramov, President of the 7 Summits Club, reports from the USA: Today was a great day. First, Mingma, Kostya, and I visited the Empire State Building (102 floors). This is my first time in New York and I was impressed by the most ... read more

Alexander Abramov, President of the 7 Summits Club, reports from the USA:

Today was a great day. First, Mingma, Kostya, and I visited the Empire State Building (102 floors). This is my first time in New York and I was impressed by the most famous building in the city. And in the evening, a press conference and ceremonial send-off of the expedition took place at the world-famous Explorers Club. And as a reward, a run through Central Park, which I've been thinking about all my life.

Tomorrow we will solemnly leave New York for the North. According to forecasts, it is already minus 40 degrees in Yellowknife.















Summit! The group of the 7 Summits Club "Machines" made a training ascent to the summit of San Francisco and descended to the Laguna Verde camp

Nikita Slotin, a guide of the 7 Summits Club, reports from Chile: Greetings from the group "Machines" from the best camp on Laguna Verde! The name of the team is justified, today the band stood at the top of Mount San Francisco! At 14:30 ... read more

Nikita Slotin, a guide of the 7 Summits Club, reports from Chile:

Greetings from the group "Machines" from the best camp on Laguna Verde! The name of the team is justified, today the band stood at the top of Mount San Francisco! At 14:30 we started the descent and already in the camp we are resting and gaining strength before tomorrow's rest day. Acclimatization is in full swing! Everyone coped perfectly and tested themselves. It was warm and sunny, but very windy. Moving on.









The Alpaca 7 Summits Club group has successfully climbed the Chachani volcano, the highest peak in Southern Peru

Victor Volodin, the guide of the 7 Summits Club, reports from Peru: Greetings from Peru! So, on January 7, the Alpaca group left early to look at the condors. But since it was Sunday, they decided to ignore the flights, so we didn't see ... read more

Victor Volodin, the guide of the 7 Summits Club, reports from Peru:

Greetings from Peru! So, on January 7, the Alpaca group left early to look at the condors. But since it was Sunday, they decided to ignore the flights, so we didn't see them. Then we stopped to swim in the thermal springs and went to the base camp under the Chachani volcano (6057 m). It is the highest point of southern Peru. On January 8, we started on the night, and seven hours later the whole team was at the top. Then there was the descent and return to Arequipa. In the evening, a solemn awarding ceremony was held with personalized cakes of the 7 Summits Club. This is where our Peruvian adventures end. See you soon in the new mountains!












Photo-report by Artyom Rostovtsev on climbing of Mount Vinson. 39 photos!

Vinson. Artem Rostovtsev, a guide of the 7 Summits Club, reports from Antarctica: Huge Antarctic greetings to all! The day before yesterday, having caught a sunny windless weather window, the whole team climbed to the top of the Mount Vinson, ... read more

Artem Rostovtsev, a guide of the 7 Summits Club, reports from Antarctica:

Huge Antarctic greetings to all! The day before yesterday, having caught a sunny windless weather window, the whole team climbed to the top of the Mount Vinson, yesterday we already went down to the base camp and today, squeezing into the weather window again, we safely flew to the comfortable Union Glacier. And then we were reunited with the team of Luda Korobeshko, who returned from the summit of the Sidley volcano.











































Alexander Abramov joined the Transglobal team in New York, embarking on a unique trip around the world

Alexander Abramov, President of the 7 Summits Club, reports from the USA: Today is the day of preparation for the start of the Transglobal Car expedition in New York. We held a meeting, visited the New York Motorists Club, and walked ... read more

Alexander Abramov, President of the 7 Summits Club, reports from the USA:

 Today is the day of preparation for the start of the Transglobal Car expedition in New York. We held a meeting, visited the New York Motorists Club, and walked around Manhattan in the evening.

Tomorrow is a big day, the presentation of the project at the Explorers Club ...

 Transglobal Car Expedition Website
















The members of the Sidley group of the 7 Summits Club visited the South Pole and joined the Vinson group, which also returned to the Union Glacier base camp

South Pole. Lyudmila Korobeshko, a guide and director of the 7 Summits Club, reports from Antarctica: January 8th. Greetings from Antarctica, the Union Glacier Camp from the Empanadas group, the Sidley expedition! As you already know, we have ... read more

Lyudmila Korobeshko, a guide and director of the 7 Summits Club, reports from Antarctica:

January 8th. Greetings from Antarctica, the Union Glacier Camp from the Empanadas group, the Sidley expedition! As you already know, we have successfully climbed the summit of our dreams - Sidley. And, since we were in Antarctica, we decided to fly to the South Pole. The guys spent the night right at the Pole and happily returned to Union today. Now we are here waiting for our departure to the Mainland.

 And now another group of our club has just returned from Vinson. A couple of days ago, they successfully climbed the summit under the guidance of our Antarctic super-guide Artem Rostovtsev.

So now we are having a joint gala dinner and celebrating our victories.









The group of the 7 Summits Club "Red Suitcases" passed the Baranko wall and climbed to the Karanga camp. It couldn't do without rain

Kilimanjaro. Olga Rumyantseva, a guide of the 7 Summits Club, reports from Tanzania: Hello everyone from Tanzania! The swim of the Red Suitcases group to the highest peak in Africa continues. However, in the morning the weather decided to pamper us. ... read more

Olga Rumyantseva, a guide of the 7 Summits Club, reports from Tanzania:

Hello everyone from Tanzania! The swim of the Red Suitcases group to the highest peak in Africa continues. However, in the morning the weather decided to pamper us. The sun appeared. So we managed to dry things out a bit before we set off on our way.

Today we were waiting for a climb up the Baranko wall. Here we are lucky again. There was no rain while we were climbing the wall. And there were no traffic jams from the people familiar in this place.

There are surprisingly few tourists willing to climb Kilimanjaro right now. But as soon as we passed the wall and sat down to drink tea, the rain did not keep us waiting. So we descended from the Baranko wall under a torrential icy rain with hail. All the paths turned into mud streams. All streams turn into stormy rivers. The surrounding landscapes are decorated with dozens of waterfalls. Overall, it is very beautiful. It's just wet and cold. But we are not discouraged. We enjoy every hour without rain. Now we are resting in Karanga camp, trying to dry things before tomorrow's climbing to the assault camp.





















The group of the 7 Summits Club "Gatito Luis" climbed to the Plaza de Mulas, the base camp under Aconcagua

Aconcagua. Andrey Berezin, a guide of the 7 Summits Club, reports from Argentina: Buenos Dias from the slopes of Aconcagua! Our friendly company "Gatito Luis" left the hospitable Confluencia camp and went to the base camp of Plaza de Mulas. This is ... read more

Andrey Berezin, a guide of the 7 Summits Club, reports from Argentina:

Buenos Dias from the slopes of Aconcagua! Our friendly company "Gatito Luis" left the hospitable Confluencia camp and went to the base camp of Plaza de Mulas. This is a serious test, as the distance is quite long: 19 km. We walked the first half of the way with a strong headwind, practically not gaining altitude. The second part of the path is shorter, but steeper. The result: a 9-hour walk from one camp to another. In Mulas we have the best conditions: comfortable double cabins, a separate dining room. We had steaks for dinner. Tomorrow we rest and recuperate. The group's guides are Andrey Berezin and Sergey Avtomonov.